Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education
The Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education degree is designed for those who desire to minister in creating or administrating Christian Education departments in churches and/or Christian schools. This program provides biblical and theological education for those anticipating vocations as ministers of Christian education, children’s workers, ministers of youth, or ministers of adults.
The Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education comprises three parts for the student to complete or provide proof of completion.
- Foundational Courses – 30 credit hours
- Core Course Requirements – 45 Credit hours
- Elective Courses – 45 Credit Hours
Foundational Courses
These are studies that provide the foundational basis for theological and biblical understanding and are required courses for all students entering into a degree program through Logos University. These are mandatory courses for all undergraduate students of Logos University.
- HCH201: Church History 1
- HCH211: Church History 2
- NTS101: New Testament Survey
- NTS211: Romans: The Overcoming Life
- OTS101: Old Testament Survey
- PTH101: Principles of Bible Study
- PTH102: Discipleship and Mentoring
- SYS222: Christology
- SYS323: Ecclesiology
- THE230: Hermeneutics
Core Concentration Courses
Core concentration courses provide the core study for your major. For the Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education, these courses may come from any course with a Prefix of CED. Below is a sample of degree concentration courses. These may be switched and customized to meet your needs. Courses may be found in the course catalog on pages 34-52.
- CED101 – Introduction to Christian Education
- CED111 – Dynamics of Teaching Methods
- CED210 – Principles of Teaching
- CED211 – Theology of Christian Education
- CED212 – Classroom Management
- CED213 – Curriculum Development
- CED220 – Ministry to Children
- CED302 – Educational Models
- CED304 – Managing Educational Resources
- CED305 – Theory of Education
- CED306 – Ministry to Physically-Challenged
- CED320 – Ministry To Youth
- CED408 – Learning Styles
- CED420 – Ministry to Adults
- CED421 – Student Teaching Project