Graduate Programs

Students who have earned an undergraduate or graduate degree may make application to the Graduate Schools. The goal of the Graduate Schools of Logos University is to equip students with ministry skills in specialties needed for developing churches, parachurch ministries, and other Christian non-profit organizations.

Because we are a Christian university, all applicants on the Masters or Doctoral level are to have completed previous studies in biblical or theological courses.  Students who do not have previous studies in biblical or theological areas will need to complete the Old Testament Survey and the New Testament Survey with Logos University to provide a foundational understanding of biblical knowledge.

All Logos University degrees are custom tailored with the student’s needs and interest kept at the forefront. Applicants will be guided through a simple process to create a degree program that meets their specific needs. With the exception of a course or two that is a prerequisite, all courses are chosen by the student. A brief description of each program below and a sample program is provided.

Masters Programs

Master of Arts Programs

Logos University offers Master of Arts degrees in various concentrations. The degree programs for the Master of Arts Degrees are 36 credit hour programs and break down into the following components.


  • Core Concentration Studies Coursework – 24 Credit Hours
  • Master’s Thesis, Practicum, or Project – 6 Credit Hours
  • Elective Coursework – 6 Credit Hours
  • Total Coursework – 36 Credit Hours


Click this link for more information on the Master of Arts Programs

Logos University offers the Master of Arts degree programs with the following concentrations;


  • Master of Arts In Applied Theology
  • Master of Arts In Biblical Studies
  • Master of Arts In Christian Counseling
  • Master of Arts In Christian Education
  • Master of Arts In Christian Leadership and Management
  • Master of Arts In Theological Studies
Master of Theology (Th.M.)

The Master of Theology (MTh) degree program is designed for those students who anticipate having a strong exegetical foundation for preaching and teaching.  This degree program is a 60 hour program and includes at least two courses in Biblical languages. The Master of Theology degree provides a solid foundation for pursuing the Doctor of Theology (ThD) degree or the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program through Logos University.


The Master of Theology (ThM) degree program consists of the following components:


  • Old and New Testament Studies – 18 hours
  • Theological Studies – 12 hours
  • Systematic Theology  – 15 hours
  • Hermeneutics – 3 hours
  • Biblical Languages – 6 hours
  • Thesis/Project – 6 hours


Click this link for more information on the Master of Theology Program

Master of Divinity (M.Div.)

The Master of Divinity (M.Div.) is the standard of ministry preparation degrees. It is intended to provide students with a sound foundation from a variety of topics, themes, and disciplines from which pastoral ministry may be practiced. Many denominations, associations, and fellowships require the M.Div. for ordained ministry.


The Master of Divinity (M. Div.) degree program consists of the following components and includes biblical languages:


  • Core Studies: 66 Hours
  • Concentration Studies: 24 Hours


Logos University offers concentrations for the Master of Divinity, in the following areas: Christian Education, Christian Leadership and Management, Pastoral Care/Counseling, and Chaplaincy.


Click this link for more information on the Master of Divinity Program

Doctorate Programs

Doctor of Ministry Programs

The Doctor of Ministry degree program is designed to assist those in ministry in acquiring a specialty in a specific discipline. The courses in this program are practical and theological in nature rather than theoretical. The concentration of the degree will allow the graduate to have more options in being placed in ministry. Having acquired the normative skills for ministry, recipients of a Doctor of Ministry with concentration can also present themselves as specialists in a field as well as general practitioners.

Logos University offers Doctor of Ministry degrees in various concentrations. The degree programs for the Doctor of Ministry Degrees are 36 credit hour programs and break down into the following components.


  • Core Concentration Studies Coursework – 21 Credit Hours
  • Master’s Thesis, Practicum, or Project – 9 Credit Hours
  • Elective Coursework – 6 Credit Hours
  • Total Coursework – 36 Credit Hours


Click this link for more information on the Doctor of Ministry Programs

Logos University offers the Doctor of Ministry degree programs with the following concentrations;


  • Doctor of Ministry In Applied Theology
  • Doctor of Ministry In Biblical Studies
  • Doctor of Ministry In Christian Counseling
  • Doctor of Ministry In Christian Education
  • Doctor of Ministry In Christian Leadership and Management
  • Doctor of Ministry In Theological Studies
Doctoral Studies

Doctor of Christian Counseling


The Doctor of Christian Counseling program is for those who would like to practice Christian Counseling in pastoral ministry and parachurch organization such as Christian schools, Christian crisis pregnancy centers etc.

Doctor of Christian Education


The Doctor of Christian Education degree program is designed for those ministry practitioners who desire to lead a Christian Education ministry in a church setting.  DCE graduates will possess the skills to create, staff, and execute a discipleship training environment for all ages.

Doctor of Christian Leadership and Management


The Doctor of Leadership and Management program is designed for those ministry practitioners who desire to lead a church as an executive pastor, or parachurch minister. Doctor of Christian Leadership and Management graduates will possess the skills to create, staff, and lead ministry teams in the pursuit and fulfillment of mission and vision of a church or organization.

Doctor of Theology

The Doctor of Theology is an in-depth study of Bible, theology, and biblical languages. The program is designed for personal growth and development as well as those ministry practitioners who desire to preach and teach from a deeper foundation of theology. Th.D. graduates will possess the knowledge of the various fields of theology including biblical, historical, practical and systematic. Biblical languages are required in this program. Applicant to this degree program must possess a Masters degree in Bible, Divinity, Theology or Theological Studies. The program varies in length depending on the type of Master’s degree possessed by the applicant.


Click this link for more information on the Doctor of Theology

Doctor of Philosophy

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) degree program is a research-based degree and is the crown jewel of degree programs offered through Logos University.


The Doctor of Philosophy degree program varies between 24-60 hours depending on the previous work in a Master’s or Doctoral Program. Students entering the Doctor of Philosophy program must have a Master’s degree in a biblical or theological field.


If the student’s Master degree is 36 hours or less, the Ph.D. program will require an additional 60 hours. With an M.Div or Th. M, the Ph.D. will require an additional 36 hours. With a D. Min. the Ph.D. program will require an additional 24 credit hours.


Click this link for more information on the Doctor of Philosophy