Students who have earned an undergraduate or graduate degree may make application to the Graduate Schools. The goal of the Graduate Schools of Logos University is to equip students with ministry skills in specialties needed for developing churches, parachurch ministries, and other Christian non-profit organizations.
Because we are a Christian university, all applicants on the Masters or Doctoral level are to have completed previous studies in biblical or theological courses. Students who do not have previous studies in biblical or theological areas will need to complete the Old Testament Survey and the New Testament Survey with Logos University to provide a foundational understanding of biblical knowledge.
All Logos University degrees are custom tailored with the student’s needs and interest kept at the forefront. Applicants will be guided through a simple process to create a degree program that meets their specific needs. With the exception of a course or two that is a prerequisite, all courses are chosen by the student. A brief description of each program below and a sample program is provided.