Thank you for your interest in the program being offered through Love Alive and Logos University. Through the local Bible School, our students learn sound and balanced doctrine; how to use the Bible with wisdom and how to separate truth from error. The result will be Spiritual Growth, Professional Training, and a greater ability to serve Christ successfully. Through this partnership with Logos students are able to earn their Certificate in Spiritual Enrichment or their Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies or Christian Leadership and Organization.
Students with Logos University and Love Alive College will be able to earn their Certificate in Spiritual Enrichment. Classes for the certificate program start January 2019. There is a $75 application fee for the program and the tuition for the program is $600.00. We also offer low monthly payments of $100 per month to graduate debt-free.
Students with Logos University and Love Alive College will also be able to earn their Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies or Christian Leadership and Organization. Classes begin January 2019 and are $300 per course. There is a $75 application fee for the program. We also offer low monthly payments of $100 per month to graduate debt-free.