The Master of Divinity (M.Div.) is the standard of ministry preparation degrees. It is intended to provide students with a sound foundation from a variety of topics, themes, and disciplines from which pastoral ministry may be practiced. Many denominations, associations, and fellowships require the M.Div. for ordained ministry.
This degree is an excellent platform from which to pursue Doctoral studies in Ministry, Theology and Philosophy. This degree program may be pursued in three different concentration. Because of the nature of this program, the University has designed it to conform to standard M.Div. programs and thus has little flexibility for the student to design it as a custom-made program as in other Logos University programs.
The following 22 courses (66 hours) are required for a successful completion of the Masters of Divinity Program.
- GRK601 Greek I
- GRK701 Greek II
- HCH601 Church History I
- HCH611 Church History II
- HEB601 Hebrew I
- HEB701 Hebrew II
- NTS509 Synoptic Gospels
- PHL501 Philosophy
- PRE601 Homiletics I
- PRE701 Homiletics II
- PTH706 Christian Ethics
- PTH707 Pastoral Counseling
- PTH805 Advanced Leadership Principles.
- SYS501 Historical Theology
- SYS601 Old Testament Theology
- SYS621 Bibliology
- SYS701 New Testament Theology
- SYS810 Systematic Theology
- SYS812 Pauline Theology
- THE630 Hermeneutics
- THE662 Comparative Religions
- THE762 Apologetics
The Master of Divinity has three different degree concentrations from which the student may choose. Below are the three concentrations and the courses required for successful completion of the Master of Divinity
Christian Education Track:
- CED611 Theology of Christian Education
- CED701 Administration of Christian Education
- CED702 Educational Models
- CED703 Principles of Education
- CED704 Managing Educational Resources
- CED705 Theory of Christian Education
- CED708 Learning Styles
- CED820 Ministry to Adults
Christian Leadership and Management Track:
- BUS500 Church/Ministry Administration
- BUS511 Organizational Principles: Development
- BUS550 Marketing Strategy: Design, Planning, Strategy
- BUS600 Church/Business Management & Staffing
- BUS611 Marketplace Ministry
- BUS710 Managing a Non-Profit Organization
- BUS726 Ministry Development: Vision, Mission, Strategy
- BUS735 Essential Team Interaction
Pastoral Care/Counseling Track:
- CNS731 Marriage & Family Counseling
- CNS734 Grief Counseling
- CNS737 Crisis Counseling
- CNS831 Addictions Counseling
- CNS832 Healing the Inner Man
- PSY501 Introduction to Psychology
- PSY612 Cognitive Therapy
- PTH614 Pastoral Care