Thank you for your interest in the program being offered through Bradford Christian College and Logos University. At Bradford, students learn sound and balanced doctrine; how to use the Bible with wisdom and how to separate truth from error. The result will be Spiritual Growth, Professional Training, and a greater ability to serve Christ successfully. Through this partnership with Logos students at Bradford are able to earn their Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education or Bachelor of Arts in Theological Studies.
Please complete the online student application through the form below so that we can begin processing your enrollment.
Through its partnership with Logos University, students at Bradford Christian College will be able to earn their Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education or Bachelor of Arts in Theological Studies. The Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education degree is designed for those who desire to minister in Christian Schools and/or Christian Education departments. The Bachelor of Arts in Theological Studies provides students with a strong Biblical and theological foundation for ministry as well as preparation for graduate level work.
Wanting as many students as possible to be impacted by this program, we have made it affordable for any student interested in learning. There is a $75 application fee for all incoming students that is paid with the application below. Classes are $300 per course ($100 per credit hour). Logos University also offers low monthly payments of $180 per month to graduate debt-free.