Master of Arts in Theological Studies

Master of Arts in Theological Studies


The Master of Arts in Theological Studies degree program is a 36-credit hour program designed for pastors and other Christian workers who want a greater understanding of theological themes for preaching, teaching or personal growth. Students who pursue this degree can increase their effectiveness as preachers, teachers and ministry associates in lay or licensed/ordained ministry. Students will be guided in creating a degree program that will match their needs and interests.

The Master of Arts in Theological Studies comprises three parts for the student to complete or provide proof of completion.

  • Core Requirements – 24 hours (Courses that in Theological Studies)
  • Electives – 6 hours (Any courses that we offer in any department)
  • Thesis/Project/Practicum – 6 hours

Core Concentration Courses

Core concentration courses provide the core study for your major.  For the Master of Arts in Theological Studies, these courses may come from any course with a Prefix of OTS, NTS, CNS, CED, ECM, HCH, HIS, BUS, PTH, SYS, and THE. Below is a sample of degree concentration courses. These may be switched and customized to meet your needs. Courses may be found in the course catalog on pages 34-52.

  • THE630 Hermeneutics: Interpreting the Bible (required)
  • OTS501 Old Testament Survey
  • NTS501 New Testament Survey
  • PTH706 Christian Ethics
  • THE503 Names of God
  • THE662 Comparative Religions
  • THE732 Identifying Your Spiritual Gifts
  • THE762 Apologetics